From IdCommons
Call Nov 6th at 11AM EDT
A reasonable plan to do Stodid for the next say 4-6 months.
- Goals of number/frequency of shows
- Clarity about roles etc - oh maybe we should have Scott join the call. wondering - not essential though.
- talk about governance of the group
- Ideas about guests - issues - topics to cover. (or more how to solicit this at IIW in a way that makes it useful/manageable and sets reasonable expectations)
- Potentially consider the name of the podcast - maybe we have it be a "new thing" but linked to Stodid
Look at the charter and filling some of the missing parts
- pick a steward (relates to governance above)
Ideas re:funding - short term
- I say this is from IIW surplus.
- Also continue to ask for $? - have the money go to a Stodid account at IC