NymRights Charter

From IdCommons




To help more accurately reflect identity online by enabling nyms, including but not limited to pseudonyms, autonyms, and multiple names, for individuals and/or groups.

The Nym Rights Working Group is responsible for defining a model for nyms to be included in the Identity Ecosystem Framework. This model will be used to evaluate the safety, security, confidentiality, and reliability of nym-related capabilities of Identity Ecosystem components.

Scope of Work and Activities

  • Defining the relationship of nyms to people, systems, and other nyms
  • Exploring existing systems, both social and technological, to see what is current in place to accommodate nyms, and make suggestions for future implementations and improvements
  • Ensure both existing and future systems have guidance to protect privacy and civil rights for nyms.
  • Any future nym-related activities as determined appropriate by the Nym Rights working group.


Every working group 'inherits' the general principles of Identity Commons itself -- see Purpose And Principles. This section should list any additional operating principles of the working group -- IF ANY -- i.e., scope limitations, how membership will be managed, how it will be governed, how Stewards Council representatives are chosen, when its work will be considered complete, etc. Note that these working-group-specific principles cannot be in conflict with the general Identity Commons Purpose And Principles. If there are no working-group specific principles, just say, "This working group will operate by the Identity Commons principles."


This section should answer the question: How does the working group go about doing its work together?

Specifically, this section must state the tools/means by which the group will collaborate, i.e., it will use Identity Commons-hosted mailing lists and wiki resources, or it will use Yahoo Groups/Google Groups/other collaboration tools.


  • A group that promotes interoperability of a technology may use Google Groups for mailing and document collaboration, host periodic interoperability events, and have a practice of publicly publishing the results.
  • A group might state that it uses public Identity Commons-hosted mailing list and all its meeting notes must be publically published on posts to that list.
  • A group might state that it is an open source foundation with annual dues-paying members and all its work will be on a dedicated public wiki.
  • A group that hosts community events for which it charges fees to cover costs might have a practice that it contributes 15% of money it earns to general operating costs of Identity Commons.

Requirements of Participation and How to Join

Each working group is required by the Purpose And Principles to state its requirements for participation, if any. It must also provide explicit instructions for how to join the working group. Working group participants must read the Identity Commons ByLaws and Articles of Incorporation. Participation in a working group is agreement to abide by the ByLaws and Articles of Incorporationn

Membership of the Nym Rights Working Group shall be open to all Identity Ecosystem Steering Group members. Membership participation requirements, and rights and responsibilities shall conform to the Identity Ecosystem Steering Group By-Laws.

Licenses and/or Restrictions on Usage of Work Product

Each working group is required by the Purpose And Principles to state any licenses and/or restrictions that may exist for the usage of its work product.

Current Deliverables and Milestones

List any deliverables planned or proposed by the working group together with the current proposed schedule/milestones.

Current Meeting Schedule

List any regular calls or meetings, if any, plus any special upcoming meetings.

The Nym Group shall meet either in person or online no less than once every two months, or otherwise as determined by the Nym Group members. It shall also meet at in-person meetings which will be coordinated with the IESG Plenary meetings.

Current Membership

Directly list current participants and participant categories (if any), and keep updated as membership evolves. Or, if the working group is already a formal organization or otherwise maintains its own Web-accessible directory of members, provide a link to that directory.

Chartering Members

  • Aestetix
  • Kaliya “Identity Woman”

Current Stewards Council Representative and Alternate

List the active and alternative SC representatives. Describe how reps and alternates are chosen.

Current Links

List links to all Web-accessible resources, i.e., the working group's own wiki front page, website, mailing lists, or other repositories.

Related Groups

List any Identity Commons working group – or any other industry groups – whose work is closely related to the work of this group.


This is where the group can share about how/why the group was founded and where will be where quarterly reports will be linked to.

Their is an open forum of diverse stakeholders coming together to work on the creation of an identity ecosystem. It makes sense within this context to ensure that nym rights are maintained and enhanced as this develops. The purpose of this group is to participate within the structure of the NSTIC (National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace) IDESG (Identity Ecosystem Steering Group). We are not campaigning against anything...we are participating within the creation of something and ensuring rights for nyms are respected.

We will likely be dually chartered as a group within Identity Commons (where this wiki is) and within the IDESG (so we are not dependent on that organization to exist as a community). For now since the IDESG doesn't have a wiki and won't start a mailing list for activity until officially chartered. A mailing list for preliminary organizing and ongoing discussion was created at Identity Commons...we have to move towards "official" chartering within the next month. Please join the list to participate in the discussion - http://lists.idcommons.net/lists/subscribe/nymrights