Nick Givotovsky

From IdCommons

Nick/Nicholas Givotovsky died in a tractor accident at his farm on July 3, 2009.

Posts Remembering Nick

This is the link to his obituary and memorial service details

Messages from the Community

Remembering Nick

I only had the chance to meet Nick in person once or twice over the years, but even those seldom encounters left a distinct impression of a vibrant, intelligent, and passionate man. He was someone to whom I looked up and respected. I am very saddened by his passing, but his contributions are testament to who he was and how he lived his life. My heart goes out to his entire family.

Brady Brim-DeForest July 8, 2009

When I think about Nick, the thing that stands out for me was his warmth. He was one of those hidden gems who emerged from out of our community on his own and who brought an incredible, yet understated positive energy. People like Nick are the binders of a community. It's so easy to overlook this, and it pains me to remember this as I think about his premature passing. My heart goes out to his family.

Eugene Eric Kim July 10, 2009

Content by Nick

Social Media Club interview with Nick 3/28/07