N4N Call March 25 2008

From IdCommons


  • Kaliya Hamlin
  • Cindy Spannhake
  • Ryan Janssen
  • Jens Haeusser


Talk about Starting Points Page

  • Finalize Outline
  • Filling in Content


  • We want to make sure the content we have on the Starting Points page is well-thought out and good. Rather have less content, but well done, than more content that's incomplete and thus less useful.
  • We should tackle the basic things first, and they should speak in a language that's common for all perspectives from technology to marketing to enterprise.
  • These are the sections that will be built out first:
    • What is the Identity Commons?
    • What is User-centric Identity?
    • Why should I care?
    • Who are the players?
  • Ryan has been developing a visual grid of the players/technologies/etc. for his own personal use in keeping track of all the goings on. Given how complicated the overlaps can be, visually representing this information will give Newbies and quick jumping in point, and they may be able to literally see where they might fit in.
  • There was some discussion about the best way to fill out the Newbies FAQs, and it was determined that we should encourage newbies to join the list and post a question. Someone from the Newbies workgroup could then be tasked with following that question from posting through the complete answer and then simplifying it for posting to the Newbies FAQs section on the Starting Points page. The whole idea being that we want to encourage Newbie participation in the community and we want to encourage collaborative answering of their questions.
  • Kaliya thought it would be good to unveil the first parts of our page to the community at the RSA conference that's happening April 7th-11th. A lot of the non-Newbie members of the Identity community will be attending this conference and it will be a good way to get their feedback.


  • Cindy and Kaliya will work on modifying the Workshop Announcement content to answer the three basic questions: What is the Identity Commons, What is User-centric Identity, and Why should I care. They will have a conference call on Friday morning at 10:30am PDT.
  • Ryan will take a stab at modifying his visual grid so that it can be used on the Starting Points page.
  • Jens will edit and critique any content that is developed.
  • We will have another conference call on Thursday, April 4 to finalize this basic content for the Starting Points page and discuss how to unveil it at the RSA conference. The time on April 4th is TBD.