
From IdCommons

This first version of the Lexicon was developed by the Identity Gang community in to help develop a shared language. The following terms and definitions have been compiled since August 2005. See also Lexicon Goal and Lexicon Style Guide. Work began but was not completed on Lexicon v2.

  1. Agent
  2. Claim
  3. Claimant
  4. Digital Identity
  5. Digital Identity Provider
  6. Digital Subject
  7. Entity
  8. Identity Attribute
  9. Identity Context
  10. Party
  11. Persona
  12. Relying Party

Concept Map

The following diagram is a recent contribution that has not been reviewed/discussed on the identity gang list. It attempts to show the inter-relationship of the Lexicon concepts. IdGang Lexicon v4.png

Related Work

  1. Anonymity, Unlinkability, Unobservability, Pseudonymity, and Identity Management - A Consolidated Proposal for Terminology
  2. Modinis-IDM Common Terminological Framework for Interoperable Electronic Identity Management
  3. SAML 2.0 glossary
  4. OpenPrivacy.org definitions page
  5. PT Ong's glossary
  6. Stefan Brand's Primer--though more than a glossary this paper (also listed in [Reference Documents]) is helpful
  7. Digital Identity - Wikipedia entry
  8. Identity Concepts and Definitions, Dan Blum, Burton Group, --courtesy of Jamie Lewis (also listed [Reference Documents])
  9. ISO/ITU X.911 - definitions in section 6.5