ID-Legal Conf Plan Outline
Outline as of Jan 08
Kaliya Hamlin and Lucy Lynch are meeting in Eugene Oregon - January 8, 2009
Outline so far
Initial meeting of 20-40 people in DC area.
Identifying specific people in the legal/governance/policy side to reach out to (will be writing e-mails to some of them today)
Identity Community members from various communities of activity that we know will be interested, InfoCards, VRM, DP
Overall Thematic - Rights and Responsibilities: A Gap Analysis around Frameworks for Identity in the Digital Age
- of individuals (personhood and persona)
- of 3rd party provider (including the legal ramifications of filling this role)
- technology to be supportive of different policies (US-EU legal framework differences)
- tech over to be neutral around policy and have it work with it
Event Length:
2 days + social event in evening before. Ending 2nd day by 3pm to get home to west coast.
Timing: Before IIW
Location: DC
Size:20-40 people
Long Term Goal:Build a community that can successful address the challenges as identity technologies evolve and policy and regulation and case law begin to interact with it.
Beyond this Event:Looking to a larger meeting after IIW - potentially coinciding with Fall 2009 (IIW9)
For discussion this afternoon.
- Format - some open space with a longer time to look into the future re: collaboration - addressing issues.
- Barriers to Entry - "position paper perhaps"
- Invitation to conference.
- What should the pre-reading be?
- How to frame invite legal centers (berkman, stanford - work on at least an outline).
- Legal background for technologists
- Technology background for the legal folks
Draft Event Description
There is a lack of cross pollination between the legal community and technical community innovating digital identity systems.
- Laws are not in sync with technology; this is creating friction
- Technology when first released is not in synch with law; this puts pressure both on the technology and on the law, and both evolve
- New Laws are coming out which create uncertainty in the technology markets; this can delay important advances in identity and privacy technology.
We need to create a space for collaboration in order to understand the answers to questions like these:
- What does the law really think 'an identity' is (this may differ depending on context: e.g. Homeland Security/travel vs financial vs criminal)
- What do technologists mean when they use language describing identity; what technology are they building to support this understanding.
"THE LAW" needs to needs to evolve; Daniel Solove's thesis is that the law needs to carefully evolve to handle notions of reputations and identity in the online world.
Individuals and Businesses have a joint interest in an identity system that allocates risk and rewards in a socially optimal way.
An example where this kind of early collaboration would have been helpful is the PKI this can be written into a better paragraph Technologists take things at face value
- previous wave of badness (post PKC) digital signature ( wouldn't it be cool if we could use them instead of paper ones)
- never bothered to ask what a 'signature' was from the point of view of the law - shape of the ink on the paper - performance of the act - intention to commit oneself to the contract
In the end Techies and Lawyers must make this whole environment that normal people can live in - they have not been talking to each other re: the problems let alone working better together to help regular people.
Potential Recommended Pre-Reading
Article (link), where published, who wrote it - who recommended it. sentence about why.
- Governmental entitles (fed, state, local, courts) & politicians
- DHS (Homeland Security) - some good folks
- Lawyers and staff for decision makers and the law (in congress, governors and state level), Barak and MaCain staff
- Commerce Committee
- NSA (Stewart Baker)
- Law Enforcement
- NCCUSL (Nat'l Conf Commission on Unified State Laws)
- NCSL (Nat'l Conf State Legislators)
- ALEC (Amer Legis Exchange Council)
- Business and Corporate interests
- MySpace, Facebook
- Google, Yahoo, etc.
- Intel
- Universities, professors who have published papers, and law clinics
- Solove
- Susan Crawford
- Michael Froomkin - U Florida
- Beth Novak
- Holly Tolle and Ray (?)
- Consumer interest groups
- Consumer's Union
- National Consumer Law Center
- Privacy Coalition people
- Health/Medical Sector
- Healthcare (e.g. payers, providers, patients)
- Bio-Pharma Research (e.g. institutions, enterprise, gov funding/regulatory)
- Pharma Products (e.g. enterprise, consumers, gov regulatory)
- Professional associations
- State and National Bar Assocs
- CyberLaw Committees of Bar Associations - and chairs
- Private Investigator Lobbying groups
- State and National Bar Assocs
- Related interests
- 22y olds - interesting Big learning curve
- Direct Marketing Assn.
- US Chamber of Commerce
- International Interests
- Prime Project? (part of 7th framework, ITU)
- Cisco & Joe Aledef (also International)
- International Chamber of Commerce
- RELEVANT Conferences
- (others from call?)
Eventually is Quick - in terms of going internationally
International Businesses are already that way.
- Entities from economic side are already dealing with it.
By Proxy - UN folks from different initiatives, those thinking about the entire world - surrogate.
Institutional Co-Conveners?
- MIT Media Lab - called for a dialogue about id bill of rights
- Careful of Gov. conveners - restrictions
- Common scaffolding - survey type thing - set of protocols. Blind men examining the elephant - handiness
- Different Languages coming together
- Framework for them to invite a variety - more useful
- Berkman
- UN?
- OECD - many initiatives going on
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