2008 Q3 Report OSIS
From IdCommons
- Much of the OSIS group's attention was in our 4th interop event
- The primary showcase for the interop event was Digital ID World (DIDW) Conference, September 8-10, 2008, Anaheim, CA, where we had workshop dedicated to interoperability testing of information card and OpenID systems.
- over 50 companies and projects participated in testing over 80 software solutions with hundreds of interoperability test cases.
- This was our first attempt at a more public workshop at the conclusion of an interop. We could have done better at publishing agenda's and setting expectations for the actual event as there was considerable confusion at the start
- The amount of data generated at an interop event is considerable. We are currently in need of someone with knowledge in insight in such areas to help us produce concise analysis of progress and roadblocks encountered the I4 interop.