2008 Q3 Report Information Card Foundation
From IdCommons
- http://informationcard.net - main website
- http://informationcard.net/wiki - main wiki (some ICF WGs have their own wikis as well)
- Executive Director: Charles Andres (candres@informationcard.net)
- Information Card Foundation has grown to more than 50 members.
- The Board of Directors was expanded to include Deutsche Telekom and Intel
- In September 2 new Community Members were nominated by the Board and elected by the entire membership. The vote was done using Helios, a new electronic voting system that is verifiable and anonymous. The two new members are:
- Craig Burton
- Scott Loftesness
- The following working groups were formed, approved, and are now active:
- OASIS Coordination Working Group -- coordinates efforts between ICF and OASIS Technical Committees working on standards affecting information cards. This includes the SSTC and IMI TC
- RP Evangelists Working Group -- Promoting information card adoption to relying party sites
- Browser Integration Working Group --
- Website Best Practices Working Group -- focusing on getting a consistent ceremony for users at all sites regardless of the user's state (do they have a selector? have they been to the site before? Is the site issuing a card? asking for claims? etc.)
- Schemas Working Group -- defining a lightweight human and machine-readable claim and data type to ensure that like claims are treated the same by the entire information card ecosystem.
- Information Card Foundation was prominent at DIDW by:
- sponsoring the OSIS Interop
- having a booth on the floor of the show
- participating in 11 sessions, either run by, staffed by, or participated in by ICF members
- Information Card Foundation is promoting a discussion with Identity Commons for a common unified marketing message to minimize marketplace confusion between various identity systems and methods.
- Identity Commons is the place for a common unified marketing message to be agreed upon. see Unified_Messaging_Charter
Please feel free to contribute to Unified_Messaging_Wiki