2008 Q1 Report XDI Commons

From IdCommons


  1. the OASIS XDI Technical Committee, which defines the open standards for XDI, completed an update of its charter and deliverables.
  2. Markus Sabadello released the first version of XDI4J (XDI for Java).
  3. The OASIS XRI Technical Committee (XDI is based on XRI) complete the final review of XRI Resolution 2.0 Committee Draft 03 so that it can be submitted for an OASIS Standard vote in May.


None this quarter.



  • The first release of XDI4J (XDI for Java) was made by Markus Sabadello via the Higgins Project at Eclipse.
  • As a key step forward in XRI and XDI infrastructure, the XDI.org Global Registry Services (GRS) will be being upgraded to support XRI Resolution 2.0. It will support all key new XRI Resolution 2.0 features including automatic CanonicalID verification and XRDS extension elements by the end of Q2. The XDI.org public XRI proxy resolver at xri.net will also be upgraded to support these features.